Hip southern Italy – Lecce

If you are bored to visit the cities that everyone visits in Italy it is time to move to the southern heel of Italy´s boot, Puglia. This undiscovered region is rapidly becoming one of the most trendy places in the Mediterranean for those who seek authentic experiences. Yet don´t expect queues at the museums, masses of tourists or junk food offered by tourist menus, this kind of things do not exist here. Its time to leave the beaten path and enjoy the Italian way of life.

You should take at least 5 days to visit this Region and spend your time chilling at the beach, visiting the stunning baroque architecture or simply tasting the excellent wine and food.

Lecce, known as the Florence of the south is the best city to start your journey. Order the “caffe in ghiaccio con madorla” the typical way of drinking coffee at the Caffè Alvino on the Piazza Sant’Oronzo. Now it is time to go baroque by walking around the ancient city center. Stop before sunset at Basilica di Santa Croce and enjoy one of the robust red wines that grow in the region and visit Corte dei Pandolfi a hip place to dine.

Check the most convenient flights from Milan and Rome.

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